Individual essay due 11th January 2016 (3,000 words):
For your workshop group’s case company: our case company is United Utilities (United Utilities Group PLC (UU), the United Kingdom’s largest listed water company, was founded in 1995 as a result of the merger of North West Water and NORWEB.)
Choose one of the following corporate functions:
– marketing,
– HRM,
– accounting/controlling, or
– business information systems.
Use your chosen function as a perspective from which to analyse the company’s strategic business context. Within this context, analyse one major responsible management challenge the company faces and make recommendations for how the company should address this challenge. These recommendations should explicitly take into account the company’s strategic aspirations and the resource constraints it faces. You should clearly indicate and justify how these recommendations are practicable and realistic in the context of the company’s existing systems for addressing social, environmental and/or ethical issues, and how these systems could be further developed and changed to fully implement your recommendations.
Resources and Reading List:
Core text book
Principles of Responsible Management: Glocal sustainability, responsibility and ethics by Oliver Laasch and Roger Conway, 2015, Cengage Learning (Stamford, CT)
Resources provided on Moodle
– – lecture slides
– – discussion forum
– – articles and further links
– – quizzes
Other recommended books:
Henry Linger, Julie Fisher, Andrew Barnden, Chris Barry, Michael Lang, and Christoph Schneider. (2013). Building Sustainable Information Systems. Springer Publishing Company. Online version available in RHUL library (ISBN 9781461475408)
– Business and Society
– Business Strategy and the Environment
– Ethics and information technology
– Journal of Business Ethics
– Organization & Environment
– Social and Environmental Accountability Journal
– Stanford Social Innovation Review
Examples of other useful resources and websites:
Bloomberg (terminals in Moore building, website)
The Economist
Broadsheet newspapers: e.g. The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph
The Guardian’s Sustainable Business website:
Principles for Responsible Management Education:
World Business Council for Sustainable Development:
Two Royal Holloway visiting professors’ blog:
John Elkington’s blog (academic behind the Triple Bottom Line):
Integrating Management Practice 1: Business in Context